Resources for Racial Equity Organizational Work

Resources for Racial Equity Organizational Work
Tools for Institutional Assessment
Here are some tools that we recommend for your institution as you go through this process. We are asking that each institution use at least the "Continuum on Becoming an Anti-Racist, Multicultural Institution" tool and then either the "Annie E Casey evaluation" or the "Institutional Questionnaire" to more deeply explore racial equity within your organization.

We have also come across a very good resource from Seattle Human Services Coalition's (2005) Identifying Institutional Racism project that particularly targets human service/non-profit organizations doing this work. To see their full folio, please click here.

Anti-racist Continuum Characteristics of an Emerging Anti-Racist Organization by Ken Hardy Organizational Assessment by Ken Hardy
Assessing Bias

We all have bias that shapes how we interpret information in the world. Tests have been developed that help us to see more closely what those biases are and how they might be shaping how we interpret reality.

To take Harvard University's Implicit Association Test (IAT) click here

Each organization participating in equity processes is encouraged to develop a “change team” in order to help make the initiative more successful and sustainable. A change team is a kind of working group that provides leadership, momentum and accountability within the organization.

You can look at a resource on change teams here, and this is taken from an excellent resource called Dismantling Racism: A Resource Book for Social Change Groups from the Western States Center which can be accessed at

The Kirwan Institute also has a very helpful organizational resource called, Talking About Race: Toward a Transformative Agenda, which you can view here

Addressing Internalized Racism

Besides encouraging people to take the Implicit Association Test (IAT), we wanted to provide some resources for organizations that wish to utilize supplemental materials to explore how internalized racism operates within your organization.

For white people we would recommend that you begin with something like Peggy McIntosh's "Knapsack" article below and then explore other articles on "Detour Spotting", "White Supremacy Culture" and the "Checklist for White Allies." Robin DiAngelo's "Why it is so hard for white people to talk about race," is also an excellent resource for thinking about the mechanisms that prevent white people from further reflection.

For People of Color, we would recommend the article by Suzanne Lipsky on "Internalized Racism" or the "Internalized Racism Inventory."

Naturally we encourage everyone to explore all of these resources, but suggest the above if you want to know where to start.
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